Communicate For A Change

Hosted By Relational Peace

Build better relationships in this six-session Zoom group series led by Relational Peace. You will learn practical skills to help others in ways that you can start using right away.

See Upcoming Dates

Why Choose This Experience?

  • Hands-On Learning

    Not only will you learn about good relationships, you will actually practice better relationships!

  • Led by Experts

    Led by experienced facilitators, this course will guide you step-by-step into developing new skills.

  • Learn by Doing

    Using an inductive learning method, you’ll experience transformation as you engage in each session.

This series will help you...
  • Learn the “relational model” of care by experiencing and practicing the G.R.E.W. skills.
  • Help people find solutions to their problems through the lost art of listening.
  • Grow connection in your most important relationships.
You will learn how to...
  • Bring peace to your relationships through time-tested concepts that combine biblical and psychological principles
  • Listen to more than words, and really “hear” what the other person is communicating verbally and non-verbally
  • Acquire practical skills to communicate understanding, love and empathy so that your relationships grow in trust and closeness

What To Expect

Welcome to "Communicate for a Change," hosted by Relational Peace! We're excited to have you join us for this six-session journey led by Pete and Debbie McIndoe, experienced facilitators with decades of teaching experience.

What makes this experience truly unique? It's all about the practice sessions! Imagine six sessions, each with three opportunities to break out and dive deep into hands-on practice with your fellow learners. These sessions are where the magic happens, so trust us, you won't want to miss out!

Why should you join? Because communication is the key to strong relationships, and we want to help you:

✨Connect in fresh ways with family, friends, and those you lead.

✨ Level up your communication skills and watch the positive change unfold.

✨ Use these skills to turbocharge ALL your relationships, especially the tricky ones!

Communicate for a Change is about building strong relationships through great listening skills. 

Here's the scoop:

🎥 On-demand video teachings for your convenience.

🚀 Weekly Zoom meetings with breakout groups to practice those newfound skills.

📚 About 1 hour or less of pre-work per week – short videos with a guided workbook.

Grab your spot and bring along a buddy, family member, or colleague for double the fun and learning.

We would love for you to share this experience with your crew - including your church, family, workplace, friend group, or neighborhood. Don't miss out on this opportunity to strengthen your relationships! 

Do you have any questions or need more details? Shoot us a message at [email protected] or call us at (513)-744-4630.

Are you ready for a journey of growth and connection? We would be thrilled to have you on board!

What Our Students Are Saying

Our students have grown their relational skills by taking our courses. Here are just a few of their stories.

"Non-stressful opportunities to practice"

"I loved this course so much the first time I took it that I just had to take it again. The breakout sessions are great non-stressful opportunities to practice and receive positive feedback. I’m using the GREW skills in the “Barnabas Coaching Ministry” at my church. They make a big difference when I meet with a person who really just needs to be listened to."

Sherrie Boggio

"This is a wonderfully executed course"

"Material was presented in layers (videos, workbook, discussion, and application) which helped solidify learning and meet a variety of learning styles. There was great communication and materials, and there was interaction to build community within an online course. I was expecting greatness and that’s what I experienced!"

Jenn Utech

"Trained my brain to automatically interact differently with people"

"Since I took this course, I catch myself following its principles, not just consciously, but also out of having trained my brain to automatically interact differently with people. I see myself not interrupting people as much, and just letting them express how they feel. Instead of blurting out advice, I try to let people communicate and reflect."

Keair Lee

"I’d be extremely likely to recommend this course to others"

"This course’s discussion of “burdens versus loads” was a huge insight for me. I run our church’s pastoral care ministry, and I tend to be a fixer. This course has really helped me distinguish what is respectful and empowering from what is enabling and disempowering. I’d be extremely likely to recommend this course to others."

Linda Locke

"Now I can really help people calm down if they’re upset about something"

"My spouse and I serve on a board where people bring their complaints. One of the best things I picked up from this course was Dr. Sweeten's reminder that a complaint isn't a call to action but a call to listen. Now I can really help people calm down if they’re upset about something."

Kelly Culler

"This has helped me a lot in my relationships"

"I always thought that "Love thy neighbor" meant "Solve other people’s problems." Until I took this course, I didn’t realize that this was actually being an Adverse Advisor. Realizing this, I’m now starting to curb that behavior and bring more empathy into conversations. This has helped me a lot in my relationships."

Joseph Fussner

"The single-best training I've ever attended"

“I am a PhD, and have been a consultant for 32 years. This is the single best training I've ever attended.”


PhD, Consultant

"The material is clear and concise"

“Powerful. The material is clear and concise. The breakout (practice) sessions and feedback during the breakouts are so helpful. The sincere openness and genuinely kind, safe and warm learning environment... I could go on!”


Nurse Practitioner

"These skills... are essential for communicating love to others!"

"We didn't get taught these skills in missionary training, but they are essential for communicating love to others!"



Upcoming Dates

Join a Relational Peace-Led Communicate For A Change Course

March 5 - April 9

Wednesdays at 12:30 - 2 PM ET

Build better relationships, and learn how to help others with the “relational model” of care

May 6 - June 10

Tuesdays at 7:30 - 9 PM ET

Build better relationships, and learn how to help others with the “relational model” of care

Complete Learning Bundle

Registration Bundle includes - Book and Workbook (mailed directly to you) + On-Demand Video teaching + Six 90-minute Live Zoom sessions w/ expert Trainers + Bonus example videos + Bonus content downloads + One-year online course subscription

The Communicate For A Change Course

This series includes the Communicate For A Change online course, in which Gary Sweeten teaches four simple relational skills that lead to a profound change in our lives and relationships. It may come as a surprise, but these skills center around listening instead of speaking. Research consistently shows how the most important factor in life change and growth is the quality and connection of our relationships. Using concepts and skills taught to counselors and therapists, this course teaches how to listen well to create the kind of relationships in which people feel safe, connected, and thrive.

Course Content

Communicate For A Change

Welcome / Communication Barriers

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Welcome and Tips for Success

Lesson 1

Course Overview

Lesson 2

Adverse Advice

Lesson 3

Communication Barriers

Lesson 4


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Genuine Love

Lesson 1

Build Trust: Johari Window

Lesson 2

Genuineness Practice Session

Lesson 3

Warm Kindness

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Relate with Warm Kindness

Lesson 1

Three Ways to Communicate Warm Kindness

Lesson 2


Lesson 3

Warmth Practice Session

Lesson 4

Empathic Listening

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Intro to Empathic Listening

Lesson 1

Empathic Listening and Reflecting

Lesson 2

Empathic Responses

Lesson 3

Empathy Practice Session

Lesson 4


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Interact with Respect

Lesson 1

Problem Ownership

Lesson 2

Who Owns the Monkey?

Lesson 3

Respect Practice Session

Lesson 4

Launching Listeners

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Emotional Response Cycle

Lesson 1

Respond According to the Type of Request

Lesson 2

Decipher Mixed Messages with Role Play

Lesson 3

Bridge Cultural Divides with Listening

Lesson 4


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PDF Download and Save Instructions

Lesson 1

Communicate for a Change Pocket Resource

Lesson 2

Expanded Learning

Lesson 3

Course Wrap-Up

Lesson 4

Not sure if this course is for you? We have you covered!

If you purchase the course and decide that it is not for you, let us know that you gave the course a try within 30 days of purchase and we will give you a 100% refund, no questions asked.

We don't want any barriers between you and this content that could improve your life and relationships.

See Upcoming Opportunities